Data Access

Data Access

Data access for Gray Foundation corresponds to the general data access types described for the Synapse platform (opens in a new tab).

Data Access Tags in the Portal


This is a future visual labeling scheme to help represent access in a more user-friendly manner in the portal.

Phase 1 Datasets

private data access

Phase 1 datasets will likely not appear in the portal at all. If they do, the pink "PRIVATE" tag will indicate that this data exists on Synapse, but is likely still under compilation/analysis, and there is no interest in sharing it at the moment. Do not contact the team regarding the data.

Phase 2 Datasets

collaborative data access

Phase 2 datasets MAY appear in the portal, but will be tagged with "COLLABORATIVE ACCESS ONLY". Researchers interested in collaboration will have to request access through contacting the Team PI.

  • Data is private and downloable only through the individuals or teams explicitly granted with those permissions.
  • Admins (PIs and Data Leads) for the team's repository can grant view or download access by adding individuals or teams to the folder or project. This allows data to be shared for collaboration without moving the data to Phase 3.
  • In conversational context, this data might also be referred to as "under embargo".

Phase 3 Datasets

Phase 3 datasets are often data released with or after publication. However, there might still be conditions placed on access. Within Phase 3, data has several access classes:

controlled data access
  • Registered Synapse users can download this data as long as they fulfill additional actions such as accepting Conditions of Use, submitting a statement, or getting an approval from governance.
  • Since these controls are implemented through a different data access layer, for certain controls, once they are applied, even individuals on the Access Control List with download permissions will need to complete the required action to download data.
  • This is usually applicable for raw sequencing data.
public data access
  • Anyone on the web can view the data, but only registered Synapse users can download this data. Data can be downloaded without any restrictions or additional steps required.
  • This is usually applicable for processed data such as summarized gene expression and cell and tissue images.
open data access
  • Anyone on the web can view and download this data, no account needed.
  • This is usually applicable for metadata.

For more information, please read policies in our Data Access page or reach out to our governance analysis team at

See Also

For specific information regarding synapse governance - see (opens in a new tab)